Sacred sites are universal neural synapses





Canvas (100 cm x 81 cm) made with clay, till, sand, ashes, burnt wood. The samples are collected and prepared by the artist.


The drawings are inspired by the remains of wall paintings that once adorned abundantly chapels and churches from the eleventh century to the fifteenth century in France.


First, it’s necessary to give back honour to the French patrimony and the soils. Without earth, people die, without territory, people fight.


This rereading of our some centuries old heritage aims to fight against amnesia, to offer timelessness in order to propose opposition to project without progress.


The paintings inspired by different places, different eras have a common identity. These patterns and colors emerge from our Western roots. For some people, they will resonate far beyond our borders, like a hint of universality. The goal is to love, if not at least to understand the other one from the Middle Age or Africa , Mars or next door.

